Program Operator

The P3 Optima Program Operator service’s goal is to help and enable enterprises of all sizes in North America reveal quantitative life cycle environmental impacts of their goods in a credible, scientific, transparent, and understandable way.

P3 Optima also intends to make EPDs more accessible by lowering the cost of creating one through automation and optimization. The program’s scope includes the creation of PCRs and EPDs for any sort of product, service, or system for any North American organisation (applicant) wishing to convey its lifecycle-based environmental performance. Correct PCR adoption/development, life cycle calculations, critical assessment of LCA, verification, and publication of the EPD on the P3 Optima Program Operator page are all part of the process. The EPDs must only include products made by a single company at a single facility.

P3 Optima makes sure that the customer gets the best service. Here are the list of responsibilities as a Program Operator as per ISO 14025:

  • Prepare, maintain and communicate its program requirements

  • Publish the names of the organizations involved as interested parties in the program development

  • Ensure that Type III advanced environmental declaration requirements are followed

  • Implement procedures to safeguard the consistency of data.

  • Maintain publicly available lists and records of PCR documents and Type III EPDs (including de-registered or updated EPDs)

  • Adopt existing PCRs and/or publish new PCR documents and Type III EPDs

  • Monitor changes in procedures and documents of related Type III EPD programs, and revise procedures and documents if necessary

  • Selection of competent independent verifiers and PCR review panel members

  • Establish a transparent procedure for the PCR review, including the scope of the review, details of the review, and constitution of the PCR review panel

  • Establish procedures to avoid misuse of references to ISO 14025, Type III EPDs developed by P3 Optima, and the Program Operator service offered by P3 Optima

Read More About Program Requirements & EPD

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